I am JBOY. A fairly (un)known visual artist from London. Sharing my ideas helps calm my hyperactive mind. Some are good, some are bad.

My inspiration comes from all sorts of places and usually shows up at the most inconvenient times. As a kid, I spent a lot of time “borrowing” Gary Larson books from the library (I returned them, I promise), and later I studied (or rather, looked at the pictures of) Guy Billout while in art school.

At some point, I accidentally stumbled into the urban art scene. I’ve been trying to escape ever since, but it keeps dragging me back in, much like a persistent Henry the Hoover. Over time, a mix of eclectic inspirations has shaped my style and ideas. I simply follow what feels right for each piece.

Not everything works visually, and only the ideas I’m completely happy with make it out into the world. A lot ends up trashed (most things, to be honest). My work often serves as a visual commentary on things I feel strongly about, and I try to deliver my message with a light-hearted twist.

My artistic background is pretty extensive, though my proudest claim to fame remains being taught technical drawing by Timmy Mallett’s uncle when I was nine. It’s been downhill ever since.

As for anonymity, it’s simply a choice. Not for any deep, mystical reason, but just because I prefer it. I take great care and pride in my work, and I always look out for people who are nice.

I am happy to answer any questions.